Monday 17 May 2010

When they’re right…they’re right.

I have never believed in the daily horoscope predictions or the compatibility bullship, but lately I have encountered many persons who do. And the passion with which they express their opinions...that conviction that two persons of whatever signs are not meant together just because they had the “luck” to be born under those signs...made me...curious:) and no more than that. I will probably piss of some people with this post but at least I'm going to talk about my own sign.

I was born January 13th, I am a Capricorn. From one of 1 billion sites on the matter I have extracted the following theories:
Period: 21 December - 19 January;
Good compatibility with: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpion, Pisces;
Low compatibility with: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra;
Main qualities of the sign: organization, ambition, perseverance and scrupulosity;
Sign: earth sigh, cardinal - feminine, introvert;
Lucky day: Sunday;
Lucky figures: 1 and 3;

The next comments I leave in Romanian – they are more explicit this way.

Ce "PASARELE" are?
Obsesia lui primordiala este aceea de a detine controlul. De-asta e mereu in garda si se straduieste continuu, incarcandu-se cu atatea responsabilitati. Toate actiunile lui au un scop. Iar scopul, oricare ar fi, e menit sa-i asigure controlul asupra oamenilor si situatiilor. Convins ca are mereu dreptate, se considera dator sa dea sfaturi si indrumari. Daca nu e ascultat, poate recurge la strategii subtile si chiar la manipulare pentru a te aduce acolo unde vrea. Mult-trambitata lui modestie e o baliverna - in realitate, Capricornul este extrem de ambitios si de orgolios. Totusi, alaturi de Scorpion, este una din "piesele de rezistenta" care misca lumea inainte si care merita atentie si consideratie.

Cand face urat?
Daca il jignesti sau ii strici planurile nu uita si nu iarta. Nu are simtul umorului si nu e maleabil.

Like it?...the best is yet to come:))

The sign of the high roller, Capricorn is regarded as the zodiac’s top, but also quiet, life and business achievers. But, there are two very different types of Capricorns.

The first is represented by the mountain goat, always climbing higher and higher; never content until reaching the top. The second is the garden goat, with little adventurous spirit or ambition-happy to remain within a small domain, refusing to budge unless it is pushed. Either type of Capricorn, however, is patient and persevering. They reach their goals because they know the longest journey commences with a single step and that the first step is always the most difficult.

The one thing a Capricorn must always try to do is balance work with play; otherwise they can become too one-sided and work can replace true personal emotional fulfilment. Continually climbing the eternal mountain of success, Capricornians rise to the occasion when faced with a new task or deadline. Even if something comes to a grinding halt, their ambition to reach the ultimate keeps them moving forever onwards and upwards (prompted by the strict influence of ruling planet Saturn). Although conservative and cautious, Goats are willing to try unusual approaches on their road to success in business or in love. Romantically, they desire a permanent relationship with someone who'll give them the affection they crave (and often neglect to give themselves!)

The rulership of Saturn - the planet representing responsibility, structure and hard work - ensures that Capricorns in their truest of expression, are ambitious, practical and superb organizers. Although many Capricorns are borderline workaholics, this doesn't necessarily make them dull or gloomy! They have an offbeat sense of humour, which seems to erupt at the most unexpected moments. Their motivating force in life is success, money, status, authority and - although many might not admit it - love. By nature Capricorns are cautious when entering a new love relationship, but once they feel 'safe' with their partner, the cool exterior melts away to reveal a sensitive and loyal heart beneath. As a friend, Capricorns can be relied upon to provide the strongest and most sympathetic pair of shoulders in the zodiac...

What can I say...I’m proud with my sigh:) Don't hate me for being perfect:)) Take me as I am.

I will be truly honest and say that the description is about 90% true…those are the main characteristics that describe my personality…but I will never...ever...accept the good/low compatibility issues. Of course everybody has “n” examples pros and cones these theories...but I won’t try to convince anybody. I do not care what sign persons are, I don’t even want to’s all about the willingness.

Love u. Take care.

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