Saturday 31 July 2010

Some people just do not change

I am often surprised to discover some people I used to know since my childhood and notice how little they have changed during time. And I am not talking here about the physical aspect but also about their daily condition.

I have always believed that the human nature was created in such a manner that it will always want something more than it already has, that people will continuously strive to have more and more. But lately I have seen people giving up fighting and resuming at what they have.

I have learned that no matter how grate or interesting an idea is, the people around you have different priorities in life and it doesn’t matter that you will do almost anything to complete a plan if they just don’t have the same interest as you. It is hard to find people sharing your interests and even harder to keep them around you.

Love u. Take care

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Monologul taximetristului bistritean

"Va place vremea asta? Nooo, da nu e frumos deloc, cu ploaia asta...vroiam sa ma duc si eu la mare...m-am tot organizat sa ma duc...astia zic ca ploua de rupe la aflu stirile de dimineata, de la lume...dar stii cum e...le afli plusuri si si astia la televizuni bat mi-ar da mie cineva bani...haoleu, am o imaginatie...pai de exemplu le-as pune la 10 oameni ca de dimineata am vazut un extraterestu pe strada...9 m-ar crede...unu inalt, cu un corn in frunte, as fi zis ca e dracu', dar mi-am dat seama ca e mine asa m-au invatat parinti, de dimineata sa ma rog la Dumnezeu sa imi fie bine si seara sa ii seara asta o sa ii multumesc si pentru cele doua pene de cauciuc pe care le-am dimineata cand am facut pana am zis ca de la Dumnezeu e, ca ma pune la munca, dar cand am vazut ca si roata din portbagaj e tot pe pana am zis ca asta nu mai e de la Dumnezeu, e de la colegul de dinainte...dar m-a ajutat dumnezeu si atunci...a venit un coleg, mi-a dat rezerva pierdut vreo 2 ore...asta inseamna bani, dar am facut norma pe zi si cativa bani pentru mine...tot Dumnezeu e mai tare decat Dracu...sunteti din Bucuresti?...ati cunoscut-o pe asta care s-a spanzurat(???)...sinucis, ce naiba o fi facut...mare pacat, sper sa nu se supere pe noi acuma ca vorbim de ea, dar nu trebuia sa faca asta...daca isi lasa barbatu eu eram primul la ea cu un ghiul mare de diamante...furat...pardon, imprumutat...pai ce eu daca vreau intru unde vreau, daca ma intreaba lumea cine sunt zic ca sunt primarul din Cluj...sau un oras mai necunosut...f'tui, da ce-ai scos mai copilul in ploaie (era un om care isi plimba copilul mic prin ploaie)...i-as bate pe nenorocitii astia...o data l-am batut pe unu...isi lovea copilul asa tare, cu toata palma..."da, ce-ai mai cu copilul...ii al tau?"..."da, dar ce te bagi tu"..."pai bata-te cu mine nu mai da in copil, daca e obraznic inseamna ca asa l-ai invatat tu" l-am batut...vreti sa va las numarul meu de telefon, cunosc foarte bine orasul...

Si toate astea au fost debitate in mai putin de 5 minute ca catre un tanar taximetrist cu varsta cuprinsa intre 25 si 30 de ani care intradevar poseda o imaginatie foarte bogata:))

Love u. Take care.

Sunday 25 July 2010

It’s getting harder every time

I’ll begin by saying that this country is too beautiful for the people who inhabit it.

I just got back from a trip in the Bucegi Mountains, nothing much, most would call it just a walk, but for me it was quite a trip.

I kinda forgot how it was to sit in a queue on a road moving in the first gear for one, two hours…but yesterday, on our way to Busteni I had the wonderful opportunity to experiment that wonderful feeling. My left foot hurt from the clutch. But never mind that, let’s remember the fun part of the track from Busteni to Malaiesti cottage at 1720m altitude.

Great place...for great people...

Amazing morning landscape...

Not the most successful start:)

It got better on the way...

...and at the end it got great

Some more wonderful memories. Thanks to all the persons who participated to this great 2 days mountine route.

Tomorrow I'm leaving for Bistrita, with work, hope some little fun too, but we'll see:)

Love u. Take care.

Friday 23 July 2010

Spoiled children

Soon there will be 5 years since I came to this city. I didn’t like it then, I don’t like it now and I am pretty sure I won’t like it ever.

I find it amusing how little teenage girls back home can’t wait to finish school and come to the big city….oooooo, such big fun. You get rid of the parents; you can do whatever you want, whenever you want it in the city that offers you the greatest possibilities in this fucking country. That should be each kid greatest dream. At least of those who take advantage of their poor parents and live up their backs as long as they can.

That’s the Romanian mentality. The parents should work and live just to raise their children, to offer them the best things they can and their whole world revolve around their kids. The question is: FOR HOW LONG???

From my point of view a parent is legally responsible for a child until the age of 18. Then they should kick him in the ass and take their hands off of him. There might be some little help from now and then but please stop sustaining them until they are 30. That’s why this country is not going anywhere. The greatest excuse it that the “poor child” is a student, he goes through a lot of stress trying to get a diploma and deserves to be sustained. But how long can someone be a student??? It seems that it can be a long term “job”. What about getting a real job?? NO…can’t do that, I have to study!!!

GROW UP! Get a fucking life, you’re not a kid anymore, take your life in your own hands and then we can talk.

Love u. Take care.

Thursday 22 July 2010

My favorite character ever

Last night I went to the movies to the the fourth part of Shrek, Shrek forever after, and I have discovered that, after the great impression I had about Scrat from Iceage, Puss is the greatest character ever.

Puss in Boots is Shrek's strong and brave friend and sidekick. He is a cat talking with Spanish accent, has a hat, a belt with a sword, and wears little boots. He is voiced by Antonio Banderas.

Let's talk about the character's evolution during the 3 movies it appeared in:

Shrek 2

Recommended as a famous ogre assassin, Puss is hired by the king to assassinate Shrek. However, unlike his fairy tale counterpart, he does not try to trick the ogre into changing into a mouse, but instead makes a direct, frontal assault on Shrek, which works up until the feline gags on a hairball, spitting it up. Shrek and Donkey think of what to do with him as Donkey even proposes to give him the " Bob Barker treatement", but the swashbuckling cat begs for his life.

Puss claims to have taken the contract to help his poor family, consisting of a litter of siblings, a sick mother and a father who lives off the garbage. Ultimately, they spare his life, and Puss proposes to the ogre he owes a life debt to him, in thanks. Although there is some tension/rivalry between Puss and Donkey (who seems nervous that Puss is taking his place as "annoying talking animal" and as Shrek's best friend), the three eventually become close friends and allies.
Shrek appears to have accepted this debt, as Puss in Boots stays with him throughout the course of the film. He has also stated that he "hates Mondays".

When Shrek and Donkey enter the castle to find Fiona and are being chased by the castle's knights, Puss repays his debt to Shrek by holding them off (he removes his hat, looks at the guards cutely, and then attacks them when they stop and say "aww!") After Shrek and Fiona get back together, and the king turns back to a frog, Donkey finds out he has become a dad. Due to the friendship that has developed, Puss decides to be Donkey's dronkeys' uncle.

Shrek the Third

Donkey and Puss remain in Far Far Away with Fiona and Shrek, helping the royal couple run the country in the place of the ailing king. Puss joins Shrek and Donkey on their journey to find Artie (Fiona's cousin and heir to the throne) and later encourages Shrek to be kinder to Artie to gain the teenager's trust. He also tries to advise Shrek who has just found out that Fiona is expecting a baby, on fatherhood.

When the group is magically sent back to Far Far Away by Merlin, Puss and Donkey have their bodies accidentally switched, something they were not happy about. The two swapped animals later join forces with the Far Far Away princesses and other captives of Prince Charming and help rescue Shrek. Towards the end of the movie, they confront Merlin and demand he put them in their correct bodies. He does so, although their tails seem to have been switched this time (in the next scene, this is shown to have been corrected as well).

At the end of the movie, Puss helps Shrek and Fiona care for their new born ogre triples. He has trouble with them pulling his fur and tail.

Shrek Forever After

In the fourth and final film, Puss is seen as a regular guest at Shrek's home, eating dinner with Shrek's family and telling the children of the tale of how Shrek met Fiona. He is not properly seen again until Shrek has entered the alternate reality made by Rumpelstiltskin. Here, he has retired from swordsmanship and has become obese and lazy, and Fiona's pet as well. He befriends Shrek when he realizes there was a spark of romantic interest between Shrek and Fiona. Puss takes part in the ambush on Rumplestiltskin's ogre hunt, but Fiona's army of ogres are captured by the Pied Piper. Puss and Donkey rescue Fiona and Shrek from the Piper, but Fiona leaves in anger when she thought Puss told Shrek everything about her.

Puss and Donkey later lead the ogres in the battle against Rumpelstiltskin's forces, and helps save Fiona and Shrek from Dragon. Puss eventually disappears with everything else when Fiona's curse is broken and reality is restored. In the real world, Puss also celebrates the ogre babies' first birthday with everyone else.

It seams that I am not the only person impressed by the "talented" Puss. In 2011 he will appear in the upcoming spin-off movie, Puss in Boots: The Story of an Ogre Killer in which he will be the titular character. In addition, a new character will be introduced: Kitty, the love interest.

That's all for now about our hairy friend.

Love u. Take care.

Wednesday 21 July 2010

I love you

I don’t know if it’s just me but for a while now I have noticed that it’s a lot easier for people to say this phrase. We all have seen those movies where the main actors just cannot express those words, creating a real drama out of the whole deal.

I believe that it’s better to show a person you love him/her than to tell him/her you do. If you think that a person says “I love you” to different persons in a short period of time the credibility of those words, and respectively of that person will begin to be questioned. Even though in the end it’s only about three little words, many can take for granted that statement and create a whole new world based on that.

Well, never mind that, it’s a too philosophical subject. I’m just surprised of how easy can some people say those words and actually make the other person believe them.

Love u. Take care.

Tuesday 20 July 2010

People feed from evil

I hadn’t understand how much people “enjoy” seeing and commenting other people’s troubles until last week, when Madalina Manole killed herself.

OK…I can get that the act itself was hard to comprehend, that the fact that she was a music star made it worse…but to get to the point of broadcasting on every fucking channel her funeral it was too much for me. And all those people taking little children to see a dead woman...I really couldn’t get it.

And of course the human needs for more evil did not stop there...after the whole funeral circus, the media commentator began wondering what was the reason she committed suicide, whether or not she did killed herself or somebody else murdered her…stuff like that, real important information that the Romanian people must find out in order to survive in these awful times.

This is the world we are living in…a world where a death is reason for debate and controversy a mean to attract people’s attention.

R.I.P. Madalina Manole! This should have been everything her death provoked.

Love u. Take care.

Monday 19 July 2010

Great weekend

Even though not all the people responded to my invitation, I had a great weekend, did all that I had planned and even more. I’m going to let the photos speak for themselves.

Redescovering the country side...

I just love these little creatures! :))

Finally some water...

...and upper in the altitude...some little snow:)

Of course i coudn't help myself from doing something involving a high degree of adrelanine...

Love u. Take care.

Friday 16 July 2010

Second and final worning

Great news guys…my laptop broke dawn, permanently this time…so I won’t be able to keep the blog update. Now I’m writing from my work laptop, which I have to return in a few hours. The weekend I’ll spend it home, finally getting some sun and water.

Monday, fresh in the morning, I’ll begin looking again for “that special one” this time laptop. Hope I’ll find something reasonable. If you have any suggestions, please share.

Have a nice weekend.

Love u. Take care.

Wednesday 14 July 2010


Yesterday was Tuesday, 13th. Some may have considered it an unlucky day and locked themselves inside the comfort of their homes to avoid any “disasters”. But, as I don’t believe in superstitions like that, my day was quite normal.

I barely woke up at my regular 7 a.m., got to work and had the nice and boring working day I’ve been having for the past 2 months since the summer began.

Nevertheless, in the evening I had the chance to rediscover a show I used to frequently see during spring. I am talking about the improvisation shows held at La Scena, and more specific about a group of young actors that play little scenes based on what the public tell them. All the show happens in about one hour in the attic of an old house on Calea Calarasilor. The place is perfect for such an activity.

I remember very well the first time I went to see them. It was the 24th of January and since then I became a real fan and supporter. I don’t even remember how many times I went to see them, but believe me when I tell you, it’s impossible to get bored, as each time it’s different. That’s the whole idea of the show.

Since May, if I recall correctly, they took a summer break, so there was quite some time from the last show I had seen. As usual I had to deal with inviting people and making reservations. I managed to gather a group of 12, including me, for last night’s show.

Even though we didn’t get to see some of our favorite actors, the cast turned out to be quite successful to the public. We ended up laughing until our stomachs hurt.

I strongly recommend you to go, at least once, to see the show and see it can become addictive:)) For more information you can check the following site.

Enjoy the show.

Love u. Take care.

Tuesday 13 July 2010


For some days now I have been very sleepy. Beside the two finals of the FIFA world cup, all weekend I stayed home watching TV from the bottom of the bed, all day long. Saturday morning when I woke up and saw it was 12 a.m. I couldn’t believe my eyes; I usually get up by myself at max 9 a.m. Sunday the same, 11 a.m.

Don’t get me wrong, I love sleeping, is one of my hobbies, remember, but for some time now it’s all I’m doing after coming back from work. This fucking routine, going each day at the same place, staying all day at the same desk and doing the same shit it’s more than annoying…it’s tiring.

The situation didn’t get any better yesterday either. I did wake up at 7 a.m. by the repeated phone alarm but around 10 p.m. I was again in bed and slipping away into dream land. In the morning, same 7 a.m., I barely got up, after almost 9 hours of sleep I wanted even more.

Fortunately for me this weekend we’re all going home and hopefully having some nice weather will go to the mountains to get some sun bathing and some swimming. That’s the reason of this week. The thought of that makes me come to work.:))

Love u. Take care.

Monday 12 July 2010

SPAIN, the new world football champion

Spain finally fulfilled their potential as they claimed their first World Cup trophy thanks to an extra-time winner from Andres Iniesta helping them edge Holland 1-0 in the final at Soccer City in Johannesburg.
Spain had the best of the play in a bruising game in which nine players were shown yellow cards by English referee Howard Webb in the first 90 minutes, a World Cup final record.

As the two teams hadn’t met for a very long time the game lacked the show many of the fans expected. There was a lot of caution and reservation at the beginning. The battle of the evening, from my point of view was between Roben and Puyol. Roben ran all the game and had some amazing opportunities to score, but Casillas was very fortunate.

Even Paul, the psychic German octopus, predicted Spain's triumph at the world cup and Iniesta added: "As for the octopus, what can I say? We won. The octopus will be very popular in Spain."

Love u. Take care.

Sunday 11 July 2010

One more month…

Still in Bucharest, bored as hell…nothing to do, nowhere to go…

Watching time go by, the lines of my watch moving second after second, I’ve realized that today is the 11th of July. One week from now I shall be on a boat, taking me to Sf. Gheorghe. The past few days I was surprised to find out about many of my friends are going to this great event. It will be nice to get together with persons that I haven’t seen for quite some time in such a wonderful place.

As some of you already know if I start advertising the place and most of all the event I might never stop. There aren’t enough words to express how great the time spent there can be. If interested you can read more here.

The festival begins on the 9th of august, but due to job conditions we shall arrive in Sf. Gheorghe on the 11th. Let the countdown begin…:))

Love u. Take care.

Saturday 10 July 2010

Love vs friendship

This weekend I’ve decided to stay in Bucharest…and as there aren’t many things to do I ended up watching a series of movies. One of them reminded me of an old issue of mine.

I really cannot get some persons. Those incredible cases when after knowing one another for several years they suddenly are struck by love and they form the perfect couple…or the other way around, after having a relationship of several years they end that connection but they decide to remain friends. What the hell is that???

How can you realize you love a person you knew for several years??? Or how can you stick around a person with whom you had a relationship claiming you can be her/his friend???

In my opinion it all resides in those first meetings. Of course there is always that attraction between sexes, but if she/he didn’t make you feel strange the first time(s) you saw her/him then it cannot happen latter on.

I am not an expert in love, nor in friendship, I just believe there are strong boundaries between the two of them and they cannot exist together.

Love u. Take care.

Friday 9 July 2010

It’s fucking happening again…

As I’ve told you in a previous post, me and my former high school colleagues wanted to organize a reunion as there have been 5 years since we finished high-school. The date was set to be the 31st of July, 3 weeks from now. The first email I’ve sent was on the 10th of May and since then I’ve tried to get in contact with all my colleagues.

We were 28 in high-school. Yesterday I did a final checking of the list. I had some help from some of the friends I kept a very close relationship after high-school. But there were some cases, where we just didn’t have any contact details despite an old e-mail address. So…at the end of the working day there was still a girl that I hadn’t contacted yet. I even tried to find her father’s number knowing where he worked…but had no luck.

After work I’ve met with some of my colleagues to watch a movie and told them the current situation of the “LIST”. There were 7 negative and 20 affirmative answers and one person that I didn’t reach to find. It really got to me this thing…I usually complete the tasks I set my mind on and this time I even put other persons to work, just to find this final colleague. Her name was the main subject of the day.

An now, embrace yourself…last night when I got home after the movie, around 11 PM I checked my e-mail and guess what..she answered my e-mails the same day I stressed so hard in finding her. What do you say about that??? One hell of a coincidence….after almost 2 months of e-mails, she answers back just on the day she was the only left to confirm!?!?!?

These type of coincidences are really getting on my last nerves :))

Love u. Take care.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Yesterday football history was written

Yesterday evening was the second semifinal of the world football championship between Germany and Spain. It was a repeat of the UEFA EURO 2008 decider, which Spain won courtesy of a solitary Fernando Torres goal. This time the European champions had to work hard to unpick their opponents' defense, eventually doing so via Puyol's commanding header 17 minutes before the end of the game. By doing so, Puyol advanced Spain in her first world final. It’s the first time in the history of the world cup when in the final there isn’t Germany, France, Italy, Argentina or Brazil.

I don’t know how many of you appreciate a good match of football but I couldn’t remain insensitive to such an event. It was a great game, with many intense moments and the Spanish team deserved to win.

Spain faces the Netherlands on Sunday at Soccer City in Johannesburg, ensuring a first-time champion. The Dutch, who beat Uruguay 3-2 on Tuesday night, have lost in their only two trips to the final. The two teams have never met in the World Cup and their all-time series is dead even. All the predictions give Spain as the next world champion, but the Dutch mustn’t be underestimated.

Looking forward to the game. Vamos Espana!!!!
Love u. Take care.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Me and the Valet

Last night was the first semifinal at the world football championship between The Netherlands and Uruguay…fortunately The Netherlands won 3-2.

Coming back to the subject…we have gathered for this event at Ghika Palace…you may wonder what the hell has a Palace to do with football, but they actually have a surprising set of TVs and a projector so that we couldn’t miss a thing.

As usually I had to make several rounds to finally realize that I actually have to enter the palace gate. It looked too good for a terrace. So I asked the man sitting at the gate if I was in the right place and he showed me the way in and told me to leave the car with the valet. VALET?!?!?... I said to myself…that’s a first. Although the man was pretty convincing I still felt the need to call my friends to reassure me I was in the right place. In front I had another car who stopped at the entrance of the palace. I stopped behind it and start talking at the phone. As I was talking to a friend I saw a guy in a dark suite coming towards me. I got down my window, still talking at the phone.

HE: “You have to leave your car here.” I nodded, still talking at the phone.

Meanwhile the car in front of mine went away so I felt the need to take my own car in front of the main door. So my car was moving towards the door…I was still talking at the phone…the poor guy believed I didn’t understand him…so he starts walking by the car telling me…”We shall take the car from here…you have to leave your car here…” :))) I was nodding, my car was still running…finally I realized that the poor guy was chasing me. :)))

And that was my first encounter with a valet.:)) The second one will be tonight as we are going to see the second semifinal…GO SPAIN!!!

Love u. Take care.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Amazing road trip

Last week I had to go to Targu Mures for an inventory...great opportunity for a nice road trip. We (me and a work colleague) left Bucharest Wednesday morning around 9 and the road was the following: Bucharest-Ploiesti-Brasov-Sighisoara-Targu Mures-Sighisoara-Medias-Sibiu-Ramnicu Valcea-Pitesti-Bucharest and all of that in only two days. There were more than 800 km, but it's always nice to see different places, different people...just running away from monotony. Here are some pictures from those wonderful 2 days.

Somewhere in Brasov....Reason why we shouln't hit the gas too hard....
The one and only Sighisoara...
The hotel room...:))

The town's map, I found it to be a nice and little city, somehow like Sibiu...

Trying to find our client, somewhere in the outskirts of Targu Mures we ended up in a wonderful neighborhood of brand new villas...and they say people are poor:))

...and among all the villas...we are in Romania after all:))

As I said the main purpose of the trip was we worked:))
Some little orientation...

Just Sibiu...

The best lemonade I have ever drinken... the best restaurant I know...only in Sibiu:))

Love u. Take care.

Monday 5 July 2010

Single people are more fun

Booooo!....scared you? :) Ya, it’s me…I’m back after a week of more than interesting things. I really don’t know where to begin and that’s why I’m going to start with the weekend:).

Saturday finally came; the most expected wedding in my childhood village took place. An old and dear friend of mine, who has been living for 5-6 years in the UK, came home to tie the node with his girlfriend. As we have been very close all of these years and my cousin was named best man we had to participate to all events: civil wedding a the town hall in the morning, the religious wedding in the afternoon and of course the after party until morning next day.

Let’s not take into consideration the fact that it was extremely hot outside, that I had to change dresses with the speed of light, that we had to do the same road over and over again…none of these matter when it comes to the fact which reminded me once more why I hate so much weddings and why I’m never…ever…going to do such a thing even though it means I’m going to die alone.

As I said before I am not talking about marriage, I do want to get married, but not like that. How can I put it gently? was a fucking circus…there were 10 billion persons, with 20 billion opinions about those fucking customs that MUST BE DONE and it was even funnier as the bride and groom came from different regions of the country, where the customs were different and each family was trying to impose their own opinions. I barely hold myself from laughing. The main problem was that there was no organization, not even a bit. They just knew they had to get married, but they didn’t know what that involved.

First thing was the fact that they woke up at the town hall that they need two witnesses with their ID on to witness their wedding. The odds did that beside my cousin no one else had their ID…so, what happened? I had to be the second fucking witness, me, the person who came in the city with 20 hours before the wedding.

Next was the fact that we had to avoid the groom to see the bride in her white dress…another idiot tradition. The issue here was that the groom had to go and get their godfather and godmother and it had to be with a lot of friends and the guy who played the accordion (he was the puzzle piece in the entire picture). He had to play a certain song while the bride had to decorate a stupid pin tree…stick with me on this, it’s getting better….so, they had to hide the groom, while the bride did the tree thing, then hide the bride again while the groom left with his “crowed” to get the godfather and godmother.

Coming back home the groom had to look for his bride, presumably hidden somewhere hard to find, while my cousin (AKA the best man) had to find the tree also very well hidden. And guess in which car did that stupid tree was taken to church….in my car of course…at the end there were needles in all the car…later did I find out that they were not allowed inside the church without it….no comment on this matter, it was enough I had to carry it to church and back.

Ok, enough with the crazy stories, there was an odd and even pleasant conclusion I got to that evening at the restaurant. I knew it before, but that night it was fully proven: SINGLE PEOPLE ARE MORE FUN. I had the chance to sit at a table with my cousin, the groom’s sister and a guy I also knew from my childhood, all single people. I remembered that last year, also at a wedding, the guy was with his girlfriend and barely said a word or two. I am not going to start the A,B,C story again, but this is the truth, when they come with the girlfriend they barely make contact. Saturday night I was the one who barely kept the rhythm of the conversation.

That’s enough for now…coming soon with some picture too.

Love you. Take care.