Friday 23 July 2010

Spoiled children

Soon there will be 5 years since I came to this city. I didn’t like it then, I don’t like it now and I am pretty sure I won’t like it ever.

I find it amusing how little teenage girls back home can’t wait to finish school and come to the big city….oooooo, such big fun. You get rid of the parents; you can do whatever you want, whenever you want it in the city that offers you the greatest possibilities in this fucking country. That should be each kid greatest dream. At least of those who take advantage of their poor parents and live up their backs as long as they can.

That’s the Romanian mentality. The parents should work and live just to raise their children, to offer them the best things they can and their whole world revolve around their kids. The question is: FOR HOW LONG???

From my point of view a parent is legally responsible for a child until the age of 18. Then they should kick him in the ass and take their hands off of him. There might be some little help from now and then but please stop sustaining them until they are 30. That’s why this country is not going anywhere. The greatest excuse it that the “poor child” is a student, he goes through a lot of stress trying to get a diploma and deserves to be sustained. But how long can someone be a student??? It seems that it can be a long term “job”. What about getting a real job?? NO…can’t do that, I have to study!!!

GROW UP! Get a fucking life, you’re not a kid anymore, take your life in your own hands and then we can talk.

Love u. Take care.

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