Friday 25 February 2011

If the spring does't come to us...

It's almost the end of february and the winter is giving its last punch: cold weather, wind and would all be great somewhere else, but not in Bucharest, where everything moves in slow motion.

As I watch out the window at the white cover of snow I can't help thinking that in 2 weeks from now I'm going to be at 25 degrees if the spring doesn't come to us...we go to her:) 15 more days and i will change my winter coat with sunscreen.


Love u. Take care.

Monday 21 February 2011

Regii soselelor

Cand sunt nervoasa simt nevoia de a ma exprima in intelege mai bine mesajul.

Weekendul trecut am fost in Braila. Nu pot sa ma laud cu poze sau povesti nemuritoare pentru ca a fost incredibil de frig si majoritatea timpului ni l-am petrecut in interior. Ceea ce vreau insa sa povestesc nu are nici o legatura cu Braila, este o chestie care mi se intampla destul de des si presupun ca si multora dintre voi care sunteti soferi.

Am plecat spre Braila sambata dimineata, pe A2, celebra autostrada a soarelui, pe unde batea vantu, si la propriu si la figurat. Eu deja m-am obisnuit, datorita pilotului automat sa merg cu o viteza constanta si mai ales legala si avand in vedere ca era libera soseaua mergeam pe banda intai.

La un momentdat ma trezesc in fundul meu, ca sa intelegeti, cu o masina care dadea flesh-uri de parca era sfarsitul lumii. Bai fratii mei albastri (cum ar zice un coleg de serviciu), sunt eu nebuna sau ce naiba se intampla cu oamenii astia??? Sa fim clari nu am nimic impotriva datului unui flesh, sa te vada omu ca esti acolo si ca ai masina mai desteapta sau ca vrei sa ajungi mai repede, dar cand li se lipeste mana stanga de semnalizatorul pentru faruri de parca le-ar fi luat masa sosea ma apuca draci. mai e o chestie, de obicei se trezesc sa dea flashuri toti taranii cu LOGAN (nu am nimic cu masina, dar cred ca majoritatea masinilor sunt conduse de tarani).

Cam atat:)

Friday 11 February 2011

It's all about the strategy

Last night I went out...I usually don't do it in the middle of the day, but last night I did it. I don't want to say what a great time I had, because the "greatest" lesson of them all I learned it at the end, on the way back home.

When I exit the club, looking for a cab, we asked the first driver we saw if he took us home, but right in the moment when we wanted to get on the cab a guy just opened the front door and got in the cab with the excuse he was the one who called him. OK (we said)...and as we where backing away trying to find another cab he told us we can share it if we are on the same way..."fortunately" for us we were having the same way we got in the cab.

There are no words and no need to discribe this guy...because after a few minutes on our way, he called someone and the following conversation occured:

"My pants are in your car....and how am I suposed to pay the cab?"

On the back seat we struggled not to burst into laughter and assured him that we are going to pay for the cab fare.

He got out of the car at the middle of our way home assuring us that next time we see each other in the club he will buy us drinks.

Looking forword to those drinks:))

Love u. Take care.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Happy postcrossing!

I am not a collector in the right sense of the word, but a few weeks ago my friend, Lavinia, initiated me in the world of postcrossing.

The goal of this project is to allow people to receive postcards from all over the world, for free. Well, almost free! The main idea is that: if you send a postcard, you will receive at least one back from a random Postcrosser from somewhere in the world.

The element of surprise of receiving postcards from different places in the world (many of which you probably have never heard of) can turn your mailbox into a box of surprises - and who wouldn't like that?

It wasn't exacly the thrill of receiving mail from foreigners that attracted my attention but more the fact that I will have the chance to discover new and interesting places in this world.

Yesterday evening I have discovered in the mail the first was from Istanbul, a city I have refused to visit last year even though a friend continously insised on it...and now she even told me that receiving the first card from Istanbul is a sign I definetly have to visit it.

At this moment I have 8 postcards sent, 5 of which are still travelling. Can't wait to receive more and more postcards:)

Love u. Take care.

Friday 4 February 2011

Once in a while...

"Once in a while...someone comes along and changes everything you believe about yourself"

Nice actors...nice movie...wonderful story...totally recommend it.

Love u. Take care.