Tuesday 20 July 2010

People feed from evil

I hadn’t understand how much people “enjoy” seeing and commenting other people’s troubles until last week, when Madalina Manole killed herself.

OK…I can get that the act itself was hard to comprehend, that the fact that she was a music star made it worse…but to get to the point of broadcasting on every fucking channel her funeral it was too much for me. And all those people taking little children to see a dead woman...I really couldn’t get it.

And of course the human needs for more evil did not stop there...after the whole funeral circus, the media commentator began wondering what was the reason she committed suicide, whether or not she did killed herself or somebody else murdered her…stuff like that, real important information that the Romanian people must find out in order to survive in these awful times.

This is the world we are living in…a world where a death is reason for debate and controversy a mean to attract people’s attention.

R.I.P. Madalina Manole! This should have been everything her death provoked.

Love u. Take care.

1 comment:

  1. I am from the US and did not know Madalina until her death. I then watched some of her clips on YouTube. Not only was this woman extremely talented, she was also beautiful beyond belief.

    What bothered me so much was the Romanian Orthodox Church's refusal to grant her a full funeral service. What century do these priests and bishops live in? 15th century? Who are they to judge a person? It's the nature of all living things to want to keep on living - so when somebody commits suicide, you know that there must be something awfully hard and painful in her life. Because living things fight for survival; they don't choose death.

    So what was it that was so difficult that Madalina chose death over life? We'll never know, and frankly, it's really not for us to know.

    But I do know one thing: if I, a total stranger from a faraway land, a certified sinner according to the Catholic Church, felt only compassion for this woman, I'm sure God would be so much more loving and merciful.

    So Romanian Bishops, you can go **** yourselves.

    RIP, Madalina.

    And thank you for your post.
