Saturday 31 July 2010

Some people just do not change

I am often surprised to discover some people I used to know since my childhood and notice how little they have changed during time. And I am not talking here about the physical aspect but also about their daily condition.

I have always believed that the human nature was created in such a manner that it will always want something more than it already has, that people will continuously strive to have more and more. But lately I have seen people giving up fighting and resuming at what they have.

I have learned that no matter how grate or interesting an idea is, the people around you have different priorities in life and it doesn’t matter that you will do almost anything to complete a plan if they just don’t have the same interest as you. It is hard to find people sharing your interests and even harder to keep them around you.

Love u. Take care

1 comment:

  1. i kinda had the same feeling on the 31st of july. same old folks, same old subjects, same old :)
