Thursday 22 July 2010

My favorite character ever

Last night I went to the movies to the the fourth part of Shrek, Shrek forever after, and I have discovered that, after the great impression I had about Scrat from Iceage, Puss is the greatest character ever.

Puss in Boots is Shrek's strong and brave friend and sidekick. He is a cat talking with Spanish accent, has a hat, a belt with a sword, and wears little boots. He is voiced by Antonio Banderas.

Let's talk about the character's evolution during the 3 movies it appeared in:

Shrek 2

Recommended as a famous ogre assassin, Puss is hired by the king to assassinate Shrek. However, unlike his fairy tale counterpart, he does not try to trick the ogre into changing into a mouse, but instead makes a direct, frontal assault on Shrek, which works up until the feline gags on a hairball, spitting it up. Shrek and Donkey think of what to do with him as Donkey even proposes to give him the " Bob Barker treatement", but the swashbuckling cat begs for his life.

Puss claims to have taken the contract to help his poor family, consisting of a litter of siblings, a sick mother and a father who lives off the garbage. Ultimately, they spare his life, and Puss proposes to the ogre he owes a life debt to him, in thanks. Although there is some tension/rivalry between Puss and Donkey (who seems nervous that Puss is taking his place as "annoying talking animal" and as Shrek's best friend), the three eventually become close friends and allies.
Shrek appears to have accepted this debt, as Puss in Boots stays with him throughout the course of the film. He has also stated that he "hates Mondays".

When Shrek and Donkey enter the castle to find Fiona and are being chased by the castle's knights, Puss repays his debt to Shrek by holding them off (he removes his hat, looks at the guards cutely, and then attacks them when they stop and say "aww!") After Shrek and Fiona get back together, and the king turns back to a frog, Donkey finds out he has become a dad. Due to the friendship that has developed, Puss decides to be Donkey's dronkeys' uncle.

Shrek the Third

Donkey and Puss remain in Far Far Away with Fiona and Shrek, helping the royal couple run the country in the place of the ailing king. Puss joins Shrek and Donkey on their journey to find Artie (Fiona's cousin and heir to the throne) and later encourages Shrek to be kinder to Artie to gain the teenager's trust. He also tries to advise Shrek who has just found out that Fiona is expecting a baby, on fatherhood.

When the group is magically sent back to Far Far Away by Merlin, Puss and Donkey have their bodies accidentally switched, something they were not happy about. The two swapped animals later join forces with the Far Far Away princesses and other captives of Prince Charming and help rescue Shrek. Towards the end of the movie, they confront Merlin and demand he put them in their correct bodies. He does so, although their tails seem to have been switched this time (in the next scene, this is shown to have been corrected as well).

At the end of the movie, Puss helps Shrek and Fiona care for their new born ogre triples. He has trouble with them pulling his fur and tail.

Shrek Forever After

In the fourth and final film, Puss is seen as a regular guest at Shrek's home, eating dinner with Shrek's family and telling the children of the tale of how Shrek met Fiona. He is not properly seen again until Shrek has entered the alternate reality made by Rumpelstiltskin. Here, he has retired from swordsmanship and has become obese and lazy, and Fiona's pet as well. He befriends Shrek when he realizes there was a spark of romantic interest between Shrek and Fiona. Puss takes part in the ambush on Rumplestiltskin's ogre hunt, but Fiona's army of ogres are captured by the Pied Piper. Puss and Donkey rescue Fiona and Shrek from the Piper, but Fiona leaves in anger when she thought Puss told Shrek everything about her.

Puss and Donkey later lead the ogres in the battle against Rumpelstiltskin's forces, and helps save Fiona and Shrek from Dragon. Puss eventually disappears with everything else when Fiona's curse is broken and reality is restored. In the real world, Puss also celebrates the ogre babies' first birthday with everyone else.

It seams that I am not the only person impressed by the "talented" Puss. In 2011 he will appear in the upcoming spin-off movie, Puss in Boots: The Story of an Ogre Killer in which he will be the titular character. In addition, a new character will be introduced: Kitty, the love interest.

That's all for now about our hairy friend.

Love u. Take care.

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