Wednesday 26 May 2010

Hmmm…are we there yet?

There is a moment in one’s life when the kid becomes a man, when you just grow up. In my opinion that moment is the day you become parent, when you procreate. Then the responsibilities shift towards that little, innocent living baby, which we are supposed to raise and to make a good person out of him. :)

I am talking about babies because I’ve realized that many of the group discussions I was involved in lately reach this subject. Maybe it’s happening because we have reached that age when most of our parents already had us in their lives. So the question arises...are we there yet? To that point in our lives where we can have a baby? Physically (I hope:)) we are able to procreate, but can we raise a baby? There were long and contradictory discussions...all with the same conclusion, NO, we cannot raise a child. First we have realized that we have a certain aversion to the idea of marriage, at least for now, and it’s not only about the idea of marriage, but about the fact that you need someone next to you in order to properly raise a child. I know, I know, there are so many cases when single parents raised wonderful children, but why should we be the same. If I had the necessary financial resources to afford to raise a child on my own I wouldn’t even need a man to make the baby in the first place. Fortunately for us, WOMEN, we don’t need you, MEN...there’s always artificial insemination. It’s less fun :), but it’s an option. On the other hand you are not so lucky:)...ya...ya...I’m mean, I know...but you can take it, you’re the strong and “unbreakable” male :)

There is also another awful truth for your unbreakable ego. As we all known, MOST (I don’t say all) men wish they had a baby boy...I really don’t know why, but it doesn’t matter. The thing is that there are 75% chances for a baby to be girl and only 25% to be a boy. What nonsense is that??? (you may ask yourself, in the stupid attempt to deny what’s scientifically proven). Well, you know those little things named chromosomes that make us different. The female has XX, while the male has XY. So the result from the crossing of the two can be XX,XX,XX,XY. Do you need me to draw you a picture??? I hope not. So, my dear male friends, you are the ones responsible for the sex of the baby, as the chromosome Y comes from you. You better get used to the idea and stop blaming others for your “luck”. I wish you all the most gorgeous and intelligent baby GIRLS in the world. :)

On the other hand you have the advantage of time. For us the clock is ticking and we better get to work if we really want to have children. In order to make a point I have extracted the following paragraphs from some articles, I hope they are updated.

The world’s oldest father has done it again, fathering a child for at least the 21st time, at the age of 90. Indian farmer Nanu Ram Jagi, who is married to his fourth wife, boasts he does not want to stop, and plans to continue producing children until 100. He is not certain how many children his series of 4 wives have borne him – but counts at least 21 sons and nine daughters an 20 grandchildren

While on the other part….“World’s oldest mother gives birth to twins at 70.” on 5th of July, 2008.

So, people, in conclusion, there is no right/wrong time to just has to happen.

Love u. Take care.

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