Thursday 6 May 2010

Un nou pitic pe creier

I am sorry about the romanian title but, it sounds much better this way :)).

Lately I get all kinds of ideas and I usually get to make them reality. I believe that I should make a list, a bucket list (remember the movie?) with all the more or less stupid things I want to do. Here are some of them:
1. jump from a plain (hopefully with a parachute)
2. paragliding (must do this year)
3. backpacking once more through Europe (already in action)
4. bungee jumping
5. scuba diving
6. get a tattoo
7. visit south America
8. .................
987645. get married and have children :))

Well, I just wish I have the necessary physical and financial resources to do at least half of the list, but now the issue that doesn’t give me peace the past few months is the tattoo issue. I began to think on getting one for some time, more than half a year ago, but I just did not have the opportunity to do it. Lately I have “received” all kinds of signs pushing me towards this decision. I have begun to study sites with this subject, I’ve begun noticing people having tattoos and commenting upon them, I found out that the other half of the M&M team also wants to get one...and today a coworker told me that at the end of May there’s a tattoo convention in Sibiu, where all badass tattoo artists would be. What more can I ask for? :). So, on the 30th of May I hope to get my first (let’s not say only, because things can change) tattoo.

M&M is leaving Sunday morning, and we have 2 more seats in the car for any other volunteers. :)

Love u. Take care.

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