Wednesday 16 June 2010

The proposal

I’ve just seen a sweet and funny movie, “Leap year”, where a girl gathers up her courage and tries to propose to her boyfriend, and even though some people told her that’s stupid for a woman to propose she just wouldn’t listen. And at the end it stroke me...I am just like her...well I haven't proposed marriage(yet) but I have the habit to propose all kinds of things to all kinds of people, no matter if I am able to do the respective things or if I know the persons. If I find an idea just a little bit exciting and I want to do it, I just need someone to do it with me. I thing there is no person reading this blog, knowing me personally that was not proposed to :))

What can I’s a trait of mine, which is good when my proposal gets accepted but it’s awful when I get rejected. And even if I know there are slim chances for a positive answer I still take my chances. Hope dies last, isn’t that the saying?

Until the next proposal...

Love u. Take care.

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