Friday 4 June 2010

One step closer...

Today I’m happy, at this very moment in time and space I am satisfied with the work I did. It doesn’t matter that I had to do my photos again (as the ones I took 2 days ago I forgot them home), or that I had to spent an hour in traffic just to go to school to submit my dissertation paper…nothing else matters…the important thing is that I got rid of this pain in the ass.

Now, that that’s over I can have more happy issues on my mind. Like for example enjoy more of myself and my friends. Although I said it so many times, and I still sustain it, I hate this fucking city, sometimes it can get very pleasant. I got to the conclusion that the people you are with affect more a situation than the place you are in.

For example last night I went out for a drink in the old town center, more exactly at “Curtea Berarilor”. I was surprised to see that although it was Thursday all the little, paved streets were full, crowded with all kinds of people, some just passing through, others sipping from a cup of coffee or a glass of beer. And they say people are poor...

Ok, never mind them, let’s go back to “Curtea Berarilor”, which was also very crowded, but despite the noise, the music, people celebrating around us, we enjoyed ourselves just by the fact that we were all together, talking, planning, drinking...for me one beer was enough :) to take me to bed. I sipped all night from a bottle until I just couldn’t keep my eyes open any more :)...I was so fucking tired :). Fortunately for me so were most of the others.

Now, it’s about 11 and around 12 there will be a party for the kids of the employees for 1st of June, a little late, but better late than never :). Yupeeee:))

I hope this working day ends soon, so I can go home and enjoy the weekend.

Love u. Take care.

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