Saturday 24 April 2010

When life kicks you in the ass…

Today I am sad. Why? Because I had one of those days when I realized how little and insignificant my life here on Earth is.

There are times when Mother Nature reminds us, human beings who is the real boss, and I am referring here to the chaos the Iceland Volcano eruption caused the last few days in the entire Europe. As we are the most evolved species on the planet we are under the impression that we can solve everything, but as we could several times so far see we cannot mess with the natural cycle of life.

Yesterday, around 8.30 in the evening I left Bucharest with destination Curtea de Arges, my home town. I left with the hope to get some rest and to get to do some research for my dissertation paper, another pain in my ass, but this, I will discuss it latter.

As on any other weekend spent home, I went to my aunts for lunch (a village 10 km far from the city). The kick in the ass that upset me so much came when I saw a crowd of people, with the same kind of bags in their hand leaving from the same place. And then, it hit me, I remembered that around Easter my aunt told me that a 12 year old boy died, just like that. His parents found him in a coma one morning, and the doctors could not operate the huge tumor on his brain because they could not get him out of the coma. I always prayed to have a simple, painless death, but at 12 years old seamed a little too much. The news upset my then too, but now when I saw that crowd of people commemorating 6 weeks from the boy’s death made me feel so mortal. I always hated this stupid and ancient habits of commemorating "n" weeks/months/years from one's death. Why don't just let the poor family in peace to get through the pain of losing someone loved. But if you don't do it you'll be considered a bad Christin...but let's not begin a discussion about religion because it can get messy.

Today's conclusion is that even if it’s sad, we are all mortals, and death is right around the corner.

I am sorry if I passed some of my sadness to you too; hope to come with better stories next time. Take care.

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