Friday 23 April 2010

how to celebrate 1st of May?

The issue that began to draw my attention some days ago is the famous and glorious 1st of May, which, as in many other countries, in Romania is synonymous with International Workers' Day, or Labour Day.

As the internet can give you almost all the answers to your daily questions I was curious to see what the largest encyclopedia says about this holyday. Said and done… You may find intriguing the origins and the way people used to celebrate this day long…long time ago.

Since I can remember, in Romania, in order to celebrate this day, people usually go to Vama Veche or at any other destination at the seaside. I am proud to say that in the last 24 years of my life I haven’t got to see the “amazing” Vama Veche. And it’s not because I did not want to it’s just because I did not have the chance to do it. And now, 7 days before the wonderful day I am asking myself and my dear…dear friends how we should celebrate. Tough decision, but as I love to take on any challenge I shall begin, starting right now, during my work schedule :)) to find the perfect destination for the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. eu ma duc la Legoland de 1 mai! muhahahahhaha! p.s. imi place blogul tau. mai e si verde pe deasupra!
