Sunday 5 December 2010


Tomorrow is Saint Nicholas and the tradition says that all the children that have been nice will receive presents in their boots tonight but this day is also celebrated by a lot of persons who have this name, and in Romania there are a lot.

One of this person is my uncle, so I went home with a nice cake to celebrate him. Saturday rained all day long so I didn't to much, but today when I woke up around 9 am the sun was shining so bright like in a summer day.

I took my camera and I went to my aunt's. We had to wait for my cousin to get back from work to begin eating and celebrating and as I was quite bored I began taking pictures of the three cats my ant has in her yard: Vasilica, Mircea and Costica (named so by my uncle) and here they are:

They are very knotty and make a lot of mess, but everybody loves them because they are so sweet:))

Coming back to the main event of the day we had a lovely meal and a delicious cake in honor of my dear uncle Nicholas.

Counting the days to Christmas and New Year's Eve.

Love u. Take care.

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