Friday, 1 April 2011

Indians know about Romania

As I already told you, we were the attraction of all the pairs of eyes everywhere we went...and many of them wouldn't stop at just staring, but also making conversation, taking pictures...with or without asking permission...and even if sometimes we felt harassed by their "curiosity" we learned to live with them and go ignoring them most of the time.

I think most of you saw those little movies on youtube where Americans don't know of the existence of such a country as Romania and some not even about Europe....So you can imagine my surprise to see that, even though many of them were illiterate, the Indians knew about Romania, they knew that it's a country in Europe, near to Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and that it's a former communist country. And I am not talking here just about a couple of people...but all of the hundreds that just came to us, said "hello", asked "where are you from?", received the answer, told us anything they knew (most of which correct), smiled and went on.

There's the saying that "curiosity killed the cat", but I didn't even know the right meaning of the word before India...those guys are really curious.

Love u. Take care.

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